Monday, January 23, 2012

Goals for the New Year

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. . . . it's about time I post this.

I have a feeling this is going to be a good year. 2012 is the year of change, and thinking positivly, it's going to be good change. If I think about the possible negatives, I would just want to curl up in a ball and cry.

So this it going to be a fabulous year!

I feel very motivated in a lot of places in my life. In my creative zone especially. I have my lists going for paintings, I have my outline built up for my next two books and I am currently editing (again) my novel. I am sending it out to agents by the end of February.

I love the idea of having a deadline. It gives me time to think and work towards and finish. I realized, that if I don't have a deadline, nothing gets done. I won't stress if I get a little behind, but as long as it gets DONE then I will feel successful.

Part of the reason for this realization is because I made myself a little inspiration board.

The inspiration board, or vision board as others call it, also includes my health/fitness goals for the new year as well as home goals.

All things on the board are important in my life so it was only natural that half of the board was taken up by my creative/professional aspirations. They blend nicely.

Let's start with the art section.

My goals for my art within the year 2012:

1.)  Show in more festivals and participate in an open studios tour.

I know of two festivals that I will be a part of. West End in Sand City and Dias de los Muertos in San Jose. I want to participate in at least two more. Perhaps Salinas Food and Wine again and maybe another DOD festival (perhaps  Oakland?)

I actually just signed up for the Silicon Valley Open Studios Tour. Just in the nick of time too. I am very much excited about this. I get to show locally from my studio for an entire weekend.

It costs me a pretty penny to paticpate in these shows, and sometimes I don't break even, but in hindsight, that's okay. All I want is to expose my work to more possible future clientle.

Which leads to. . .

2.) Have more commissions! I have had two commissions in the past year and I would like to at least double that this year. So the goal is to have AT LEAST four commissions for 2012. If I get any more, I will be extremely happy.

I also love working on commissions. It's a challenge that I am all too ready to tackle. Each one different from the one before.  It also keeps me motivated in my work. As inm 'hey! someone actually likes my work and wants their own! woot woot!'

I do the woot woot in my head of course.

3.) Show in at least ONE gallery. Last year I did not show in a single actual art gallery. My dream right now is to be able to show in MACLA (Movmiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana) in down town San Jose. I just got to fill out the submission guidline and hope they can show my work.

4.) Expand myself as an artist.

This one is a little tricky and explainable at the same time. I LOVE exploring differnet styles of painting and different mediums. What I want to do, generally depends on my mood and how I envision the piece of art. I want to keep expanding my work and not limit myself just to paint and canvas. But it does lead to hesitation because sometimes I can't decide whether to do a piece of work in acrylic or pastel and worry about how it feels and looks as I go through it, wondering if I made the right choice.

I really should stop stressing myself out by second guessing my first initial feeling.

Stevie Nicks you got that right. . .

Love Practical Magic BTW. :)  I actually listen to the soundtrack wuite a bit when I paint. John Denver has been on my que as well.

5.) Go to more galleries and museums.

Inspiration abounds.

Onwards to the writing portions of my inspiration board!

Writing Goals for 2012

1.) Publish book.

I know I said it last year. . . . but THIS is the year. I feel it in my bones. Have you ever felt so strongly about something happening that it actually did? Well, I am feeling so strongly about this, that there is NO DOUBT in my mind the univerese will see my book published to great reviews.

1. b) find and agent or publisher. Currently looking into agents. I have gone through some of the books that I love to read myself, and looked into the author's agents. That's the best way I know how.

2.) Write more. blog more.

Yeah, I truly need to blog more entries. I hear the more frequent I blog the more traffic I may get. On both my sites.

This is my second, well, first real blog entry of the new year. I am a little behind schedule on this. Whoops.

3.) Write the two more books in the series on my story/novel. I have loads of stories lined up afterthe first book. It's smart to keep writing as you shop your book around. Better to have more than enough stories ready to hand over to the agent, than none at all.

4.) Go to a writing blogging convention. I have to look into this more. I know of the Willamette Valley Writers Con in August and I know of BlogHer 2012 in NY this year. 

You know, just to get inspired ;)

I am also going to be building a professional website this year. I have been told by many people I need a website in league with my blog.  Hence, market myself.

Another goal is "do not fear rejection". This above all, is a bigthing with me. I fear many things and rejection is pretty much second or third on the list.

Rejection not just from an agent or publisher or gallery house, but rejection in my life in general. Sure, rejection happens. I have been rejected by agents before. I cried. And I let it get me down. I let my self doubt rule.

Not this time.

Not any more.

Rejection can say hello, but I will kick it's but to the curb and fight on.

Do you have any goals for the New Year? What are some of those goals? How strongly do you feel about them?

Have you ever made an inspiration board?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

still here

hey, just wanted to let everyone who may read this that I made it through 2011! I will be posting soon about my goals for 2012 and updates on my art and writing progress.

one of the goals: post more often!

check back friday for details :)