Monday, January 17, 2011

Goals for 2011


The New Year's Goals entry that you have been waiting with baited breath for. :) Could you hardly stand the wait?

Neither could I.

Maybe some of you passed out already.

Well, let me divulge to you my goals for 2011. Some of them are to make dreams come true. Mine, of course, and helping do the same for others. Others are going to be done in a different spectrum.

Since this is my writing and painting blog, I'm going to do my best to keep my entries in the general area of my works and others to highlight along the way this year. I feel that if I publicly declare these goals, then it will force me to stand by them and complete them to the best of my abilities.

They will get done.

Goal #1: Finish writing story and star on the others!

 Okay, this is a long time coming. I've put it off. I lost the way. I fought my way through dark times and forgot about in happy times. And other moments, I simply did not have the time to work.

But those are all bullshit excuses.

You have to make time to get things done. Whether it be canceling on a few movie nights or cutting your workouts short or even locking yourself in your office hiding from your husband and cats, it will get done. You meaning me. I'm talking to myself here as much as I am talking to you, dear readers.

The original grand plan when I was scheming this up late last 2010, was to complete the book by the end of January.  Seeing how I had to steal a horse and race to catch up and jump back on the wagon within this past 2 weeks of the month alone, the goal is now to finish it by the end of February.

I will also start working on the other stories to follow the first book. At least one more book written before the end of 2011.

Which hopefully will lead into . . . .

Goal #2: Get my book published this year.

Pretty much self explanatory.

This goal has been my dream since I could pick up a pencil and write down the crazy things I saw, and not just in my head, to tell a story. This will be the year it gets done. It has to be. 

Goal #3: Create a professional website.

Again, self explanatory. This is a very important goal because if I want to make it as an artist, in this day and age, I need a web page. I need a site that will tell the prices for commissioned pieces like animal portraits. It will show people around the world what I do. It will give a place to any future fan of my books or art to come and just get more info on whatever piece or story they like.

A website is important. Plain and simple.

As they said in the movie, A Field of Dreams (goddess I love that movie), "If you build it, they will come."  Actually, the move said he will come, but America heard they, yet I digress.

Goal #5: Participate in more art shows.

Do you really need an explanation on this one? No? Well, I'll give one to you anyways.

I am honestly quite thankful for all the help my friends and family have given me in getting into art shows.
I never would have put so much effort or even remotely started to believe in myself and my work if it wasn't for their help and support.

To honor them, I would like to get into at least two shows all on my very own. That I seek them out on my own. That I contact people on my own.

I think it will be good for me. Instead of waiting for something to fall into my lap or fall ass backwards into a show, I have to make the initiative and look for shows I can participate it.

But if any one just so happens to tell me about a show I can work in, well, I surely am not going to turn it down. :) And of course I will do the same for them. As artists and friends, we have to help each other succeed. That's all that we really can do.

Goal #6: At least one show in a gallery in a big city in CA.

I had two separate goals, one to show in San Francisco and the other to show in other local cities in CA. If I could go national, that would be bad ass. International and I would die happy. But I am getting head of myself.

The main goal is to show in an actual gallery in SF, SJ, LA, SD, Sac City etc.

Just before I graduated from UCSD in 2006, I had several works shown at a small gallery off the beaten path in down town San Diego. Granted, I had been selected amongst other extremely talented graduating students to show and we had a great show called ...SHIFT.

I want to do that again.

Goal #7: Read more.

There was a time I would go through 2-4 books a month. Small, large, thick, thin, hardcover (get your mind out of the gutter people) and paperback.

I would read read read until the cows came home, and since we don't have cows, I read a lot for long periods of time. I would go to bed and pass out while reading. Granted, that is not a goal of mine to do now, but I need to read more.

If not only to get my creative juice flowing, but to just escape from the everyday world. We need the occasional, sane, escape.

And it's not just going to be my vampire, witches, sci fi fantasy novels that I love, but also other books that will help enlighten me, educate me, help me grow as a person. Not including cookbooks but not limitied to books, but blogs as well, blogs pertaining to furthering the growth of my mind and soul.

I want to continue learning about my heritage. A book is good for learning about Aztec and Native American myths and legends. I need to learn how to get into the art and writing worlds. Books can teach you that and offer some advice.

My aunt had a lot of books about the subject, and after she passed away, my mother gave me some of those books. I've been too afraid and ashamed to open them. But not anymore. Time to read.

And read I will.

Goal #8: More blog entries.

Yes, folks, you heard it first, right here, well technically second since I voiced this goal to my husband last weekend on the couch.

Anyways, look forward to seeing more entries of writing and art, at least 2 times a week. Goal is to make it up the 3 and depending how burnt out I get on all the writing and painting and blogging... we'll see if I will crank it up any more. :)

But there will be more blog entries coming up soon, but in regards to this one. Very soon, another blog will burst forth from my head like Athena and pop up in the web already choked with thousands of blogs about food, fitness and healthy living.

So yes, I am a sheep following the mass of people wanting to document their lifestyle change and their quest for peace with their bodies while offering up scrumptious and possibly disastrous attempts at recipes to readers, making them hunger for more or be terrified to turn on their stove tops.

Look forward to an entry about the new blog and the address as soon as I create it.

Well, that seems to be it for the goals of 2011 for writing and art.

I have a whole list of ideas of what I want to write for this blog as well as my new one (coming soon!!). So check back this week, because if there isn't a new blog posted, then I'd already be failing at goal #8.

Until next time . . .


  1. As a life-long resolution maker-breaker, I am trying something new this year: quarterly resolutions. I think the concept of bundling the years goals into a single list is too abstract (and overwhelming) for me-- I can always put it off for another day, because I've got the whole year to do it! I broke the year into quarters, and assigned specific tasks to every month. The specific tasks culminate to accomplishing that quarters goals. So far, I'm finding it amazing to see how much more I accomplish, simply by spoon-feeding myself the annual to-do list. I really must be a child! :) Your goals sound great!

  2. That's a pretty good idea. Breaking a list down into small bits would surely be more beneficial to me than trying to tackle everything at once. Perhaps I should try this out. Put the smaller of my goals within a quarter to work on. Thank you for your comment :)
